Rainbow Tree

Space of Love

A Soul-based educational approach

cultivating qualities for

Entering into the 3D reality, the soul integrates the specific qualities of this dimension.

Like a seed going through different stages of development from seed to fruit, the embodiment of the soul into physical reality follows similar periods. We call these “Soul Phases”. Each of these Soul Phases (seed, representing the spirit, – sprout – plant – bud – blossom – fruit – seed) requires particular attention and specific conditions to allow the soul its evolution into optimum expression.

Although we present precise age groups for the Soul Phases, they flow from one into another like the colors of the rainbow. They serve as a guideline to enhance the soul’s development in an appropriate manner and we bring them into play with watchfulness and suppleness. We call them ‘Pods’ and their names are inspired by our Hawaiian environment.

This understanding engenders our three Rainbow Tree Programs

0 – 3 years

Not totally incarnated into the body, the soul flutters around the body as a marveling butterfly; every flickering of its wings reminds us of the magical beauty of the soul world.

4 – 5 years

Little by little the soul embraces the outer world and like a ladybug adventures carefully in the further world.

6 – 7 years

On this discovery adventure the soul observes its environment and like a gecko watches everything with its cute and clever eyes.

8 – 10 years

Becoming very curious about life, the soul wants to explore more and more, and like a nene (goose) flies out to further horizons. 

11 – 13 years

Carried on the ancient wisdom of the turtle, a profound understanding of this world slowly but surely anchors its knowledge into one’s consciousness,

14 – 15 years

While the wings of feelings open up and the soul soars like an egret through the world of emotions.

16 – 18 years

Joyful and playful, the soul journeys as a graceful dolphin through the waves that the ocean of life brings forth.

19 – 21 years

Learning how to fly out as the silent gliding pueo (owl) above the waves into the inner dream world of creating infinite possibilities …

22 – 28 years

... incorporating these mysterious wonders into one’s life to resonate in an enchanting and grounding harmony as the whale song, upholding the love frequency on earth.

Educational Concepts

Educating a Divine Being in a Human Body

Our education is concerned with the question: Who are you divinely and how can you express your divine essence? We will ask this question over and over again, exploring the answers it brings forth. Nobody can answer this question for somebody else. Nobody can take that journey for you. Everyone has to march this path and enjoy its joys, its difficulties, its challenges, its victories, its new horizons…

Sacredness as the Curriculum

Accompanying our youngsters on their development into adulthood, our first and foremost item of the curriculum is the apprenticeship of the sense of Sacredness. We acknowledge that this consideration in education is revolutionary. However, we believe strongly that this approach offers the necessary tools and means to create a harmonious future for humanity.

A sacred reverence towards life links us up with all and everything, and thus enlarges our consciousness into a oneness-consciousness.

A sacred reverence towards life acknowledges the existence of spirit behind all manifestation, us included, and thus stimulates the co-creation with spirit through matter.

A sacred reverence towards life is the key to unlock the mystery of the divine. The consideration of such an attitude will be offered before any other knowledge. Such methodology will awaken centers, senses and organs that are yet asleep in humanity. Only a sacred and heartfelt attitude can open up these unknown horizons inwardly and discover new understandings of the working of the universe and the manifestation of life.

Soul Gifts

Inspired by nature, where every plant has its particular essence to share, we understand that each human being is born with specific gifts to offer: our Soul Gifts. Each Soul Gift is like an inner seed that wants to develop, grow, blossom and share its beauty. Every seed knows exactly what to become and how to co-create in its environment; so does this inner seed. Just as it is not necessary to explain to a sapling how to become a tree, neither is it necessary to teach a child to express its genuine essence. The only requirement is a supporting environment for the sapling or the child to develop into its authentic splendor.

Family Structure

Since the family – father, mother, other siblings – is the first learning environment in our lives, it represents the fundamental foundation for successful growth. In maturing, the child expands this family concept into a wider circle of people and activities – Ohana (Hawaiian term for kinship) – until he or she ‘flies out of the nest.’

Rainbow Tree Space of Love offers an environment of ‘family-consciousness’ wherein the child can smoothly expand from its personal world towards a collective awareness where loving care for all and everything becomes the essence of each breath.

The world of the Soul into a 3D World

At birth, the consciousness is still linked with the immensity of soul life where we came from. Little by little we awaken more here and remember our life over there as a ‘dream.’ In early years, most of the child’s consciousness is living in that world of beauty and wellbeing. Although this openness towards what we call the ‘invisible world’ is very alive, a great deal of the young child’s attention is focused on its development here on three-dimensional earth. Our education takes special care to maintain and foster that innate connection with soul while the child becomes more and more awake in ‘our’ world.

We offer a specific approach in relationship with each Soul-Phase:

Nature as the School and the Teacher

Nature as a living, loving and intelligent being can never be replaced by any type of human technology. Communicating with the gnomes, fairies, devas and all nature- spirits of different hierarchies, plunges us into the creative forces of nature and allows the soul to grow. Such a pure relationship is the best way to comprehend the magic of their Love and Life.

Entering into this inner world of Nature develops one’s soul’s connection, through which we can discover the pure knowledge of the universe.


Nature gives us plenty of goodies that feed us physically and spiritually. We recognize the importance of eating the food we grow ourselves and consider the science of gardening a very important part of the curriculum. This includes flowers, herbs, trees and landscaping.

Building Your Space of Love

Children are passionate about creating their own space, whether it is a tree house, clubhouse or just a blanket over a chair. This resonates with the innate desire of the soul to build one’s sanctuary. Our first ‘sanctuary’ is our body. No one else can build our body for us. In the same way, only we can build our outer ‘sanctuary.’ In nature, all animals know exactly how to construct their nest; Soul Essence Education brings back this innate ability to build one’s own ‘personal space.’ We will learn how to build and construct in the physical as well as in the emotional and mental world, our own sanctuary and impregnate it with love.

In a healthy society, everyone will create their own living place: their ‘Space of Love’.


Beauty is an expression of love. We present a loving co-creation of beauty as the inspiration for our education and for our lives. We honor and promote beauty in our environment and in our actions as well as beauty in our feelings and thoughts.

From Sunrise to Noon to Sunset to Midnight to Sunrise

At dawn, all of nature’s forces are expanding into a new day, a new life. Their energy envelops the human being with that essence, giving the opportunity to extend one’s consciousness into a new domain. Dawn offers the best conditions to receive new teachings. As a fruit, these notions will ripen under the warm afternoon sun. The real integration occurs during a peaceful night sleep where the learning experience can be harvested. Anchored within one’s consciousness, this new ability can be expressed upon the next sunrise in a sweet expansion of heart and mind.

In a Collective Environment

Built on and centered around the family structure, our education is nestled within a village-setting formed by the students, parents, educators, mentors, family, friends, and the surrounding community. Their co-creative interaction lays the essential foundation for our school to thrive: the community supports the school and the school supports the community.

When living and learning are thus woven into each other, one learns to embellish life experience and one’s life will enlarge the learning process. The school will become one’s life, as life will be the school. True learning will be the apprenticing of ‘living together in universal beauty as one family.’


Nestled in an environment of sacredness, respect and co-creation, each child freely explores their inner vocations and the boundless adventures of their learning paths. On this educational journey, we accompany each student by offering a basic curriculum upon which he or she builds out a personal curriculum.

The Basic Curriculum functions as a guideline for the educator and as a grounding foundation for the student. Specific to each Soul Phase, it offers the appropriate activities and approach in order to awaken and further the oneness consciousness in each child. Soul Essence Education understands that without an awareness of oneness, in other words, without a collective consciousness, we can never truly be fulfilled. Therefore, the basic curriculum lays the foundation whereupon the child can blossom into its full potential for the betterment of all life.

Nurtured within such oneness consciousness, personal growth can safely happen. Inspired by their interest and passions, students make up their Personal Curriculum.

We acknowledge and honor the choices each one makes. We leave behind preset educational programs or preset notions about age specific teachings. We trust the child’s own timing for learning.

The educator observes each student very carefully in order to accompany them toward a harmonious development through physical, artistic and intellectual achievements. Any emotional reluctance or blockage will be addressed and resolved in a gentle manner.

In the same gentle way, all personal curricula will be harmonized within the consciousness of oneness, for the betterment of all and everything.

To build out their personal curriculum, the students present their desires for courses and look for a mentor that answers this request. In addition, the school organizes seasonal school gatherings where mentors have the possibility to present their expertise offering students choices.


Rainbow Tree Space of Love places intellectual achievement

as a tool to one’s self-expression of love.

Our curriculum renovates the three R’s of today’s school system

(Reading, Writing and Arithmetic)

into three L’s: Living, Loving and Learning together.

We abide by following values

Sacredness: inspires the curriculum; Service: embodies the activities; Synarchy: (all is organized in a beneficial co-creation) represents the achievement.

We chose the name "Rainbow Tree" because

The rainbow carries the full color-spectrum representing the expression of divine qualities; those qualities reside in us as a Divine Seed. The tree is a symbol of the development of a seed into its manifestation exemplifying how we can develop and manifest the divine qualities here on earth.

We aspire to embody the World of Love

All learning enlarges our consciousness into a more loving and caring one. We uphold that ‘true loving is true knowing.’

Our program has three intentions

Each one attains one’s full potential; Each one supports and assists one another on this journey; Each one gives something back to embellish and better the environment where one lives.

We integrate the understanding of

The all-embracing power of Love; The innate blueprint of family; The embodiment of the soul: soul-phases from childhood into adulthood; Two-fold nature of the human being: Divine Self – human self; Three-fold expression of the human being: mind – heart – body; Harmonious co-creation with all Kingdoms

We foresee that

In cultivating compassion in the hearts and souls of our children, and allowing them to express their genius as a gift to the wellbeing of the world they will co-create a future community where love is the foundation, the meaning and the purpose of life and where prosperity and happiness reign for all.

Our Mission

Co-creating a soul-based curriculum, individually balanced for each child, respecting each one’s sovereign choice on their Soul Essence Journey while exploring and developing their Soul Gifts as an offering for the betterment of all life.

We believe

This is the most simple and natural way for real education and learning; This will provide the foundation for a viable and healthy future; This will assure the optimal opportunity for each one to attain their full potential; This will enable the World of Love to flourish through the multiple expressions of life’s richness and beauty.


Living, Loving and Learning Together

Considering a reverence for life, an integration of family and community, and a respect for our elders as fundamental building blocks for a healthy society, we cultivate sacredness, respect and oneness consciousness as the foundation for any future learning.

Note to the Parents, or all who play with children

We invite you as a parent to discover the profundity and efficiency of this education for our children: in allowing them the possibility of becoming who they were born to be, physically as well as spiritually, we allow them to blossom into their full potential, physically and spiritually.

Revolutionary Approach

Our revolution uplifts Nature as the School and Teacher. We renovate the process of learning into an enchanting journey of a never-ending discovery of nature’s beautifying co-creation from which we all are a part and in which we can express who we divinely are.

It is the time for all of us to look into our hearts to recognize the World of Love and participate in our uniqueness so that this World can be given to our children, our children’s children, for the generations to come.

This is what our “education” is about:

Contact us

+1 808 639 5821