Living, Loving and Learning Together

By Greta

Considering a reverence for life, an integration of family and community, and a respect for our elders as fundamental building blocks for a healthy society, we cultivate sacredness, respect and oneness consciousness as the foundation for any future learning.

Note to the Parents, or all who play with children

By Greta

We invite you as a parent to discover the profundity and efficiency of this education for our children: in allowing them the possibility of becoming who they were born to be, physically as well as spiritually, we allow them to blossom into their full potential, physically and spiritually.

Revolutionary Approach

By Greta

Our revolution uplifts Nature as the School and Teacher. We renovate the process of learning into an enchanting journey of a never-ending discovery of nature’s beautifying co-creation from which we all are a part and in which we can express who we divinely are.

Threefold Expression: Mind ~ Heart ~ Action

By Greta

The threefold expression of thinking, feeling and doing represents a cornerstone for our education. We always observe that these three aspects are well balanced; in every child, in every activity and in every program, and also throughout the community experience.

Soul Essence Journey

By Greta

Embracing the two aspects of our being:
1) we are all one in soul essence and
2) we are all individual aspects of its expression
brings about a co-creative manifestation of our Divine Self through our human self.
We call this the offering of our Soul Gifts and that exploration represents our Soul Essence Journey!