Our Journey of becoming who you truly, divinely are;
A Soul Essence Journey
Adventures, with their unforeseen and surprising events, open up new dimensions and horizons in our consciousness.
An educational journey of becoming who you divinely are represents a huge adventure. Daring to challenge your usual and well-accepted ways of doing, feeling and thinking will trigger emotions and questions. Some of them are easily calmed and answered while some of them may seem to turn your whole world upside down. This can seem quite scary. Yet, knowing that this discovery-road leads you to becoming who you truly are in your divine essence, makes this journey into an intriguing, fascinating and happy experience. Intriguing because you’ll enter into the unknown; fascinating because you’ll discover your true self; happy because you’ll reconnect with that deep inner self: your Divine Self.
And that’s what this journey is all about:
Who are you divinely and how can you express your Soul Essence?
We will ask this question over and over again, exploring the answers it brings forth. No one can answer this question for someone else. No one can take a journey for you, everyone has to walk their own unique path and enjoy its joys, difficulties, challenges, victories, new horizons…
That’s the primary inspiration for our approach to ‘curriculum’: How can you express your Divine Self? We are not concerned about giving you answers or grading you for your answers. We are not even concerned that you have a lot of knowledge about a lot of subjects. We are only concerned that you go on your own authentic journey, guided by your soul essence. When you follow the inner inspiration of soul, authentic love within you is ignited and true learning happens. When your soul’s interest is awakened, you’ll find your teacher and create your program. Each path can be completely unique; some paths may be similar. While they may look different and separate, in the realm of soul they are all one: the co-creative expression of one’s uniqueness.
This appears to be far out there! Sure, it is. It is even a challenging thought for a parent or teacher-educator who may be thinking, “at least they should learn math, reading and writing”. Or, looking into the present-day results of educating is for us very disconcerting.
Go to the nearest store and ask 10 people, whatever age, ‘Are you becoming who you were born to be and are you doing what you really love doing, from deep in your heart and soul?’ Some will push away this question with a nervous laugh as if too silly to even consider. Some may have the courage to listen and reflect on it. Some may recognize they are trying to free themselves for it. Some will reassure you that this is totally dreaming; life is more serious business than such a proposal. But who will look into your eyes and firmly reply: “Yes, every morning I wake up with the enchanting song of the birds announcing to me another day where I can explore new features of myself, of my soul’s dream and of its expression, in joy, in beauty, in happiness, with fun and unlimited creativity.”
Which answer would you like to give and live?
Every answer leads you to a specific way of living.
We choose to awaken in the enchanting world of our own inner dream and into its outer manifestation.
… And our journey began…
We wondered what is needed for that journey. Quickly we perceived that it is simpler than we could have thought of. We just ‘choose it’. We found out that it is the most natural and normal tendency in each human being to live that way. We are all born with an innate sense of curiosity to discover the unknown. We are all born with that unlimited life force to explore, to learn, to master. We are all born with conscious preferences about what we really want to investigate, about how we are going to do that and to what extent. We are all born with an innate sense of self-determination, of self-evaluation, of self-motivation. We are all born with a profound notion of righteousness about our actions, with an intrinsic pride about our accomplishments, with a fundamental confidence in our potential.
Every child reveals this to us and we love to be around that innocent energy.
Yet, what happened to all that? Answering this question, we looked deep inside ourselves and observed that for some reason we chose over and over again to ignore the call of that life force within us and adapt to something else, that ‘something’ that our society considers “good education”, “good behavior”, or a “good way of living”. We now (sadly) understand that it was not that ‘good’ at all… It deviated us from the real good: our joy, creativity, dreams, confidence, curiosity, self-expression, authenticity, and, most of all, our playfulness. Their importance was set aside and replaced by that ‘something else’.
What became of the being you were going to become? What became of your ‘play’ where you lived your soul’s mission? What became of those dreams you had? Do you still remember? Were they just dreams you wake up from, accepting that they don’t belong to this life? Or are they dreams that inspire you, dreams that become a playful life if you enter into them, embrace them and integrate them into your being? Are they dreams that bring fulfillment in your life?
We recognized we had to journey back, back to that innocence of who we were; of who we truly are. We want to restore our innate dreams and renovate our lives. We want to express our inner divine child in all its joy, playfulness and happiness; where the twinkling in our eyes reflects the beauty of our vision and our confidence inspires the enthusiasm to manifest one’s dream.
Here our journey becomes very exciting. Leaving behind beliefs that restrain our inspiration, we discover the simplicity of our quintessence and, expressed in five essential concepts, the outline of our educational journey:
- I embrace Love as my guide
- I see all life as sacred
- I beautify all and everything
- I am part of all and all is part of me
- I have an infinite creative potential
Those five concepts are our guideline; we use them as our North Star on the journey. They direct us on this road and inspire us. We trust in their strength and power to bless our adventure. We trust in their purity to protect our quest and we uplift ourselves in their energy in the pursuit of our dreams.
These five concepts seem very simple and easy to accept. Their simplicity engenders their force. Their simplicity converges every thought, every perception, every notion into the clarity of our quintessence:
- I am the co-creator of my life
With that, the real journey begins…
As a human being we receive free will to choose how to express our self in a unique manner. This precious gift engenders the multitude and diversity of human lives and experiences.
Embracing the two aspects of our being:
1) we are all one in soul essence and 2) we are all individual aspects of its expression
brings about a co-creative manifestation of our Divine Self through our human self.
We call this the offering of our Soul Gifts
and that exploration represents our Soul Essence Journey!
To apply this idea in an educational approach represents a revolution.
To apply this idea into your life ignites a transformation.
To apply this idea within a community opens up all possibilities of becoming who we divinely are.
This is why we choose it! This is why we embark on this adventure.