Soul Essence Education acknowledges that each one comes to earth with a specific gift to offer: their Soul’s Gift. We take special care to preserve the essence of this precious gift and intend its manifestation to mirror the qualities of the soul. Therefore, we incorporate in our educational approach the threefold structure of our being through which our soul expresses itself: mind, heart and action.
This threefold expression of thinking, feeling and doing (intellectual, artistic and physical) represents a cornerstone for our education. We always observe that these
three aspects are well balanced;
in every child, in every activity and in every program.
Our students learn to harmonize these three facets in themselves and will observe the consequence when not balanced. If one has a loving heart but does not discern how to use it, the result will not always be as expected. If one has a clear vision on a difficult matter, but not the patience to explain it, such clarity may bring isolation. If one is very strong action-oriented and does not include the others, disharmony may result. If one facet is lacking and another very developed, fullness of life is rarely nearby. Specific activities are offered to realign or harmonize innate tendencies. From a young age, these concepts are practiced and everyone recognizes that the three aspects of mind, heart and action co-exist together all the time. Through this unified relation between doing, feeling and thinking one establishes harmony in one’s life.
From such harmonious foundation, we integrate this unified relationship between the mental, emotional and physical throughout the community experience.
The integration of this concepts of oneness consciousness has
three important implications in our educational approach.
First of all, the unity of the three worlds ; physical, emotional (feeling level) and mental (thought level), or physical, spiritual and divine. Whatever we do in one of them, influences the two others. This is a significant tool in education, for, if someone has a weakness in one domain, we can reinforce it through the stronger domains. It’s always better to work on shortcomings with our qualities, as it strengthens our value and sustains our self-confidence.
Secondly, the idea of Oneness upholds the idea that we are all one family, with visible and invisible friends. Wherever we are, we are always linked with one another, visible and invisible, and the feeling of separateness, loneliness and being abandoned doesn’t find a place in it. It provides children with a great sense of security, without which we can never establish a stable basis for any expansion and learning.
Thirdly, because we are all linked and because one world influences the others, our being affects all and everything. This includes one’s actions in the physical plane as well as one’s feelings and thoughts. Soul Essence Education considers this aspect greatly significant and we coach our children to become very conscious on this manner.
This gives a tremendous spiritual dimension to this educational approach as well as a very grounding factor.
Spirituality becomes an active, dynamic and lively experience
imbued by loving care of our heart and inspired by a wholesome intention.
To accompany our students on this inner expansion of oneness consciousness, Soul Essence Education enhances and complements the uniqueness of everyone’s special gifts and talents by fostering other skills as well. For example, a born musician is stimulated and motivated to work with drawing and gardening, or a passionate landscaper is encouraged in art and study. Such an approach enables the students to enrich their qualities, gifts and talents and express them in a more complete and co-creative way.
Above all, this approach facilitates the integration of one’s value into a real-life situation. The greatest artist as well as the most brilliant kabbalist or the most capable craftsman learns to put their genius into service for the community. In return, the community offers possibilities for their expression. The individual and the community are thus linked with each other, offering a never-ending co-creation for the wellbeing of all.